ASTM D1248是電線和電纜用聚乙烯塑料擠壓材料標準規範:
ASTM D1248規定了聚乙烯塑料擠出材料的電線電纜在不同商業地段或分批裝運的買賣雙方都可以接受的鑒定。本規範涉及的試驗目的是提供用於根據所述類型識別材料、類別和等級範圍的信息。本規範不提供設計目的特殊工程數據。
1.1 This specification provides for the identification of polyethylene plastics extrusion materials for wire and cable in such a manner that the seller and the purchaser can agree on the acceptability of different commercial lots or shipments. The tests involved in this specification are intended to provide information for identifying materials according to the types,classes, categories, and grades covered. It is not the function