1.1 ASTM D3794作法標準涉及試驗卷材塗層的操作步驟。所包括的試驗方法已列於表1 中。表中對相同特性列出了幾種試驗方法,但並不試圖指出一種方法優於另一種方法。方法的選擇必須根據每種情況的要求,由買賣雙方共同商定。
1.2 SI單位表示的數值視為標準。括號內提供的數值僅做參考。
1.3 即便與本標準有關,本標準也並不旨在討論所有的安全條例。本標準的使用者有責任在使用前確定合適的安全健康的實驗方法以及判定規章限定的適用性。
Significance and Use
4.1 This guide represents a collection of pertinent ASTM test methods used within the coil coatings industry. In the past coil coaters world wide depended on industry standards written by the National Coil Coaters Association. That association, working cooperatively with ASTM, will no longer issue new, nor update old, standards.
1. Scope
1.1 This guide covers procedures for testing coil coatings. The test methods included are listed in Table 1. Where more than one test method is listed fo