ASTM F2366-05是關於使用配備窗玻璃濾光器的氙燈設備測試噴墨印刷品的相對光穩定性的標準測試方法:
本測試方法規定了依照G151和G155測試方法對噴墨紙張印刷品進行氙燈曝露測試的具體程序和測試條件。現行標準的版本是2012年修訂的ASTM F2366-12。
1.1 This practice covers specific procedures and test conditions that are applicable for xenon-arc exposure of ink jet media prints conducted in accordance with Practices G151 and G155. The laboratory accelerated procedure is intended to determine the relative lightfastness of ink jet prints in office environments where window filtered daylight is used for illumination.